As reviews of Biblical Critical Theory come to my attention, I will add them to this post.


Michael Dormandy in the Journal of Theological Studies (requires a subscription)

Ronald T. Michener, in Philosophia Reformata

The Christian Institute: “Special book review: Biblical Critical Theory

Brad East in Comment Magazine: “What Makes Critical Theory Christian?

Jay Harvey for Reformed Faith and Practice:”What is Biblical Critical Theory?

Josh Herring for the Acton Institute: “Biblical Critical Theory and Other Errors

Krish Kandiah for Premier Christianity

Stephen Roberts in Modern Reformation

Mark Talbot in Christianity Today:The Bible Does Everything Critical Theory Does, but Better

Carl Trueman in Themelios


Below I list articles and reflections that, while not engaging directly with the book, seek to contribute to the same project of which it is part: developing and deploying a biblical critical theory today.

Carl Trueman in First Things, “Critical Grace Theory