Over the coming months I will be reading and blogging through Pascal’s Pensées. It is a truly remarkable book of Christian apologetics, a real classic written by a brilliant mathematician and literary author. I first studied Pascal as part of my undergraduate degree, and then returned to him later as a fount of wisdom on apologetics. The Pensées is about much more than the famous “Pascal’s wager“; it presents a cornucopia of arguments and reflections on apologetics and on Christian thinking and living that still strike the reader today as fresh and engaging. Grab yourself a copy and read along with me.

Pascal died before he was able to complete the project we know as the Pensées, one consequence of which is that it exists in the form of bite-sized chunks that are easy to read, clip, and use.

You can find the book on Amazon, and there is also a free online version. So grab yourself a copy, read the first fifty Pensées now, and join the conversation! To keep informed about when “Let’s read Pascal” starts, sign up below to receive updates from this site:

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